Choropleth Maps Exercise

Welcome to the Choropleth Maps Exercise! In this exercise we will give you some simple datasets and ask you to create Choropleth Maps from them. Due to the Nature of Plotly we can't show you examples

Full Documentation Reference

Plotly Imports

In [38]:
import plotly.graph_objs as go 
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode,iplot

Import pandas and read the csv file: 2014_World_Power_Consumption

In [1]:

In [152]:

Check the head of the DataFrame.

In [156]:

Country Power Consumption KWH Text
0 China 5.523000e+12 China 5,523,000,000,000
1 United States 3.832000e+12 United 3,832,000,000,000
2 European 2.771000e+12 European 2,771,000,000,000
3 Russia 1.065000e+12 Russia 1,065,000,000,000
4 Japan 9.210000e+11 Japan 921,000,000,000

Referencing the lecture notes, create a Choropleth Plot of the Power Consumption for Countries using the data and layout dictionary.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
choromap = go.Figure(data = [data],layout = layout)

USA Choropleth

Import the 2012_Election_Data csv file using pandas.

In [109]:

Check the head of the DataFrame.

In [110]:

Year ICPSR State Code Alphanumeric State Code State VEP Total Ballots Counted VEP Highest Office VAP Highest Office Total Ballots Counted Highest Office Voting-Eligible Population (VEP) Voting-Age Population (VAP) % Non-citizen Prison Probation Parole Total Ineligible Felon State Abv
0 2012 41 1 Alabama NaN 58.6% 56.0% NaN 2,074,338 3,539,217 3707440.0 2.6% 32,232 57,993 8,616 71,584 AL
1 2012 81 2 Alaska 58.9% 58.7% 55.3% 301,694 300,495 511,792 543763.0 3.8% 5,633 7,173 1,882 11,317 AK
2 2012 61 3 Arizona 53.0% 52.6% 46.5% 2,323,579 2,306,559 4,387,900 4959270.0 9.9% 35,188 72,452 7,460 81,048 AZ
3 2012 42 4 Arkansas 51.1% 50.7% 47.7% 1,078,548 1,069,468 2,109,847 2242740.0 3.5% 14,471 30,122 23,372 53,808 AR
4 2012 71 5 California 55.7% 55.1% 45.1% 13,202,158 13,038,547 23,681,837 28913129.0 17.4% 119,455 0 89,287 208,742 CA

Now create a plot that displays the Voting-Age Population (VAP) per state. If you later want to play around with other columns, make sure you consider their data type. VAP has already been transformed to a float for you.

In [120]:

In [121]:

In [ ]:
choromap = go.Figure(data = [data],layout = layout)

Great Job!